CookBrite Inc. Apps

CookBrite 2.1.9
Make a meal with what you have in yourpantry and fridge.You read that right. CookBrite serves up recipes you can makewith no shopping required!Simply take a picture of your grocery receipt. CookBriteautomatically updates your HomeList with the purchases on thatreceipt. Like magic, the next time you request recipes, the “HaveIt” carousel suggests recipes using ingredients in yourHomeList.And, if you don’t mind a little shopping, let CookBrite’s Think,Shop, Receipt, Cook cycle. The app knows what you Have in your homeand what you Need to purchase to cook the meals you create. Savemoney and reduce your household’s food waste. Good for your budgetand the planet!Here’s how it works.Think.First, decide what you’re in the mood to eat. Healthy, Comfort,Spicy?Next, choose the ingredients you want to use in your meal. Chicken,spinach, chocolate? We’ll suggest Mains, Sides, Appetizers, Saladsand Desserts based on your chosen criteria.A chicken dish with a side of leafy greens and chocolatedessert? We’ve got it in our recipe database, curated by our teamof super-foodies.Want a recipe using ingredients you already have in your pantry andfridge? We’ll hook you up. You read that right.CookBrite knows what you Have in your home and what you Need topurchase to create today’s dinner plan! Not just for onerecipe, but for the whole meal. Because we help you keep track ofyour food and non-food items. Organized simplicity in thekitchen.After you create a meal plan, CookBrite generates a ShopList,telling you what you need to purchase for each recipe in your mealplan. Which saves you money and keeps you on budget. No more buyingtoo much and wasting food you don’t use.Shop.Once done shopping for tonight’s dinner (or not, if you’ve chosenrecipes using ingredients you already have), take a picture of thegrocery receipt on your phone.CookBrite automatically adds those items to your HomeList, keepinga tab on what you’ve added to your pantry and fridge. So the nexttime you use the App to create a new meal plan, it knows what youHave and what you Need.Cook.Time to cook! CookBrite walks you through the recipes one by onewith clear instructions on how to make each of your dishes. Andvoilà! You’re a hero to your family and friends. Click “Cooked it”once you’ve cooked the recipes.Repeat.Next time you go to the grocery store, scan another receipt to keeptrack of your household items. Then create another fabulous dinnerplan for those you love.CookBrite. Mealtime Magic™.Currently in USA only.